For most of the last week, I've been having some cramping, mostly on the right. I tried not to freak out too much, but I was really worried it might be ectopic. We went if for our first ultrasound Monday and got the reassurance I needed. We saw...

One beautiful little bean!!!
And two big cysts on my right ovary (nobody wants to see those). I've had cysts after pretty much every cycle, but I didn't realize I could have them after IVF, too, but they said it's pretty common.
We go back next Monday for another ultrasound. We should be able to hear the heartbeat. Yay!! I've cried at all three of my visits so far, so I can't even imagine what I'll do when I hear that.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that this is really happening. And so far, it's going well.
Well, I'm off to get my crappy progesterone shot. Wouldn't want to miss that!