Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hello, Blogland (aka CD1)

Hi, blogland. I'm C and I'm infertile. I've known for the last year and a half that I had fertility issues (I don't ovulate on my own), but we've recently discovered that my fiance (we'll call him E) does, too.

We went in for an IUI and were cancelled because of a very low sperm count. Basically, IVF with ICSI is our only real option. So, after lots of additional testing and number crunching, that's our plan. I have our calendar, the drugs are on their way, and I popped my first BCP today. YEAH!

During our first year of clomid, ultrasounds, BCPs/waiting for cysts to shrink, and reflexology, I've learned so much from the online IF community and I've gained strength and inspiration from other bloggers. Even though I rarely comment, I feel like I've gotten to know so many wonderful women just by following your blogs.

As we learned that our only real shot at a biological child is with IVF/ICSI, I found myself with an unending stream of thoughts floating around in my head. I decided to start this blog as an attempt to focus them. Hopefully I'll be a little more productive at work? Maybe I'll find a cycle buddy? Who knows? I guess none of us really know how this journey will end, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.



  1. Welcome to the writing part!! I hope you find it brings you clarity -- its has certainly helped me..it took me quite a long time to commit to IVF (ICSI) -- but once I went forward it wasn't nearly as intimidating as I thought...

    We're here for you -- it really is a great community,

    All the best,


  2. I'm on day 6 of BCP--so it sounds like we'll be on the same schedule if the protocols are similar! Good luck!!!

  3. HI, found you throught Murgdan - love the name "Word Nerd"! You sound a lot like me (I consider myself a Queen Grammar Nerd). Good luck with the testing and getting started with IVF!
