My transfer went really well yesterday, and now I'm just hanging out, relaxing in bed. And hoping.
Dr. D called early in the morning and said that all of our embryos looked good (I don't remember the specifics). Based on my age and how they looked, she recommended transferring two, which is exactly what we wanted to do. I know there's no guarantee that three would stick if transferred, but the thought of triplets is really scary to me. A woman in my office has IUI triplets and I'm not sure how I could handle working, three newborns, managing our rentals, etc. So, anyway, whew. Two it is.
I grabbed my bottled water and we headed for the office. We checked in at 8:45 just like we were told, then the nurse mentioned that Dr. D would be there at 10. My jaw dropped. They had told me it would be 9. My bladder was so full I thought it would burst right on the table even if we went in at 9, let alone 10. The nurse said she'd go check. By 9:30, I couldn't take it anymore and called for the nurse to ask for an update and permission to relieve my bladder at least a little. It was hard to stop once the flood gates opened, but I did it. Immediately after that, the nurse came in to take us back. Crap. I took a few more chugs and we headed back.
When we got into the room, someone pointed out a stool right next to the table and said, "Dad, you can sit right here". I was totally choked up. Then Dr. D handed us a photo of all five embies and pointed out the two. Can you call embryos cute? 'Cuz they were the cutest ones I've ever seen. There was a little pressure and then they were in. That was it. I also asked Dr. D about the other three and she thought we'd be able to freeze at least two of them. Woo Hoo!
I got wheeled back to the initial room to relax for an hour. I listened to my meditation, they drew blood, we waited some more, and finally we go to head home. E took me to my acupuncture appointment, where I listened to my meditation again, we grabbed some Subway to bring home, and I planted my butt in bed.
And here I am. Still in bed. I've watched three of the five movies I rented. I've watched some crappy TV. And I'm bored. Just hangin' out, thinking sticky thoughts.