Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hello ICLWers

Welcome to my little blog. Thanks for stopping by. Here's the elevator version of our story:

We've been together for almost five years and TTC for much of the last two. We've been through several unsuccessful Clomid cycles, sat out lots of months with cysts, and went for our first IUI in February. We were cancelled because of a low sperm count and found out IVF with ICSI is pretty much our only shot. After lots of testing and a surgery, we are in the midst of our IVF cycle right now. Tomorrow is transfer day.

Our life outside of IF (I know, it does exist) is filled with hectic full-time jobs, two dogs, two cats, E's work on his Ph.D., and several rental properties.

I look forward to hearing your stories.


  1. Best of luck with your transfer tomorrow. May is great month in "history"-I just know it!!!! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good luck with your transfer tomorrow!

  4. today is the day! good luck!

  5. GL with your ET. I hope your little ones snuggle in good and tight.


  6. Wishing you the very best of luck with the rest of this IVF cycle.


  7. Best of luck from your transfer!

  8. Here from ICLW. :) Good luck with the IVF! I hope it is a BFP sweetie. ((HUGS))

  9. good luck we are getting ready to start...can't wait to hear how everything goes!
